Andrew: Open the Boook (again)

After resetting the Boook, Andrew stood in front of the bookshelf where originally resided The Paradox Police. He read and re-read the chapter section entitled The Reset, confused. What was going on? How was it that he was reading exactly what was going on at that exact moment?

"This can't be right," Andrew thought. "I reset the Boook. Where'd the agents go? What's going on with this thing?"

He continued to read the words that were in front of him, and very real. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't explain why the Boook was displaying what he was experiencing.

It was far too surreal to be plausible. Reading something that hasn't happened yet is simply an impossibility. Was it true that the Boook really did affect what happens in the universe?

Andrew stood and tried to devise a plan of action. He could go out and search for somebody who could tell him what was going on, he could try to figure it out himself, or he could do nothing. Of the limited options he had, he decided to search for a knowledgeable person or other source of information who could fix his error.

Andrew did not look forward to that. Here in the TSDA, it seems, people are very finicky about messing illegally with objects of temporal power. Unfortunately, they would probably be immensely stern with him and his shenanigans.

He decided that he would rather not run into any TSDA agents. Maybe, since Time Master was in the field, Andrew could sneak into his office and look around for any guidebooks on the Boook.

With a plan in mind, Andrew exited the room and headed off toward the office of the head of the TSDA.

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